Coffee Cup  The SandTrap Audio Story

The Scene
It's a sunny January California morning living the comfortable retired life, drinking coffee with my daughter and three sons at a favorite hangout.  
We're engaged in the great American pastime of concocting new product ideas.  Some have a thread of credibility. 
Then I offered, "Isolating baffles for custom-installed speakers." 
That comment produced baffled looks that asked, "What & why?"

Consumers pay premium dollars for invisible speaker systems. 
Well, they're less visible.  The audio industry promotes these speakers as custom installed architectural speaker systems. 
The good versions are not cheap.  They range from about $600 to well over a $1000 per pair plus installation.

In-ceiling speakerIn-wall speaker

Custom speakers installed in drywall ceilings and walls distort. 
Drywall, made of paper, glue, and chalk, is not a good material for reproducing sound from any speaker. 

Mounting a speaker in drywall is much as selecting a set of guitar strings for their potential increased volume and sustain, and stringing them on an acoustic guitar made of cardboard.  Similarly, drywall compromises the sound of custom-installed speaker systems.  Drywall mounted speakers generate muddy mid-bass, harsh vocals, and forfeit decibel level. 


The Proposal
OK Dad, they asked, what are you proposing? 
I propose to add an isolating mounting surface between the drywall and speaker.
A surface that minimizes drywall induced distortion by re-tuning the speaker system resonance. The result is tighter mid-bass, warmer vocals, and increased volume.

This isolating surface is particularly well suited for the $600 to $800 per pair speaker category. My isolating sub-baffle will squeeze enough improved performance to compete with much more expensive custom installed speaker systems.
To my surprise, they were still listening.  So, I continued.
I would offer this solution at a price that will make consumers and dealers smile, and it will be easy to install.  I then outlined how to do it.

They looked at me and said, "Dad, it's a no brainer .... do it". 
That's how I exited retirement and became the captain of SandTrap Audio

Captain Ed  

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You Were Robbed!

A drywall custom speaker installation hijacked the audio fidelity you bought.
Reclaim the tighter bass, warm vocals, and decibel level you paid for.

Buy the SandTrap 
Only $69.99 ea.

In-Ceiling SandTrap

Patented Architectural Speaker Tuning System

Made in USA 

CEDIA Expo Tech Starter 5 Winner

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